Season 3 Intro: A New Beginning

Season 3 of Engaged in Service The Hero’s Guide is coming! We have changed the name. We have switched up formats. We have adjusted our focus and set our sights on a new goal: guiding the hero. Who is the hero? At RY Services, our clients are the hero. When the clients come into our services they are in “The Belly of the Beast.” The period with most conflict in the hero’s journey. They have lost heir children, they are undergoing dramatic change in their lives, and they are fighting to get better. All the while, we help see them through their struggles and ensure that they are self sustaining. With this show; however, we can extend our guidance past our services and help our clients not just be self sufficient but strive towards great success.

But also, with this show, we want to extend that to a lager audience. You, dear listener, are our hero. Just like our clients, we will prepare you for your adventure, guide you through the “belly of the beast” and ensure your success in life. We want to create a community of heroes where we help, support and guide one another towards the ultimate destination, world domination changing the world. Join us and Stay Tuned!


Episode 23- United Food Bank


Episode 22- Foster Care